Image Credits VNAMedia This weekend I plan to learn coding hotkeys and sending them to Winforms, basically for fun. I was testing the Control + N hotkeys and came up with some really useful text book material. This particular code was made to test things and worked great. I was happy and posted it here to ease the work for you. Public Const MOD_CTRL As Integer = & H2 'Control key Public Const WM_HOTKEY As Integer = & H312 <DllImport ( "User32.dll" ) > _ Public Shared Function RegisterHotKey ( ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _ ByVal id As Integer , ByVal fsModifiers As Integer , _ ByVal vk As Integer ) As Integer End Function <DllImport ( "User32.dll" ) > _ Public Shared Function Unr...
Confessions of n00bs