Creating gadgets for Windows is very easy. So easy, in fact a class 8 kid can make them, provided he knows basic stuff like HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Even then there are issues that are faced when you start doing things the first time. So I may just be able to get you started. By the end of it, you will probably say to yourself that this was just sooooo easy. First thing first. You must know HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript, otherwise what I will write here will look like Sumerian to you. So if you wish to take a look and brush up your skills, here are the links to go. I'll wait. Yes I am a particular fan of w3schools, mainly because they have got a code testing playground, invaluable for immediate testing and experimentation . Now that you are ready, lets get started. The Bare Layout of a Windows Sidebar Gadget A gadget is simply a webpage with its scripts, style...
Confessions of n00bs