In this post I will specifically write about myself. More importantly about my plus and minus points. Plus points include everything that can be considered to bee good qualities in itself. However I write this post about my negative traits, and one trait in particular. I have a serotonin deficiency disorder. Now what is it? First let me tell you what is serotonin. This is what Wikipedia has to say about Serotonin. Now what if Serotonin is in acute deficiency? Depression Lack of appetite Insomnia Food disorder Suicidal Tendency Mania Repeating thoughts, especially negative ones Almost every negative disorder that is there, psychological that is... So, yes, it is hard living with it. But with time you can keep living life to the best of your abilities. And even love life. I am on medicines, yes, but at the same time I do meditation to feel better. I will continue later. Other work beckons!
Confessions of n00bs