Figure this. You are downloading Big Buck Bunny, the movie from a torrent site. You download the torrent, open utorrent or any other favorite Torrent client and download the file from hundreds of seeds, all the while uploading bits and pieces of what you have to the outside world. The file will be downloaded fairly quickly. But say for example you see the seeds available are around 5 or even less and the leechers are around 100! That would be a downloader’s nightmare. Solution? I’ll show you how. Steps Download JDownloader and install it Go to Search for Big Buck Bunny Prefer the following hosts :,, Copy the links and JDownloader will automatically grab the links In the JDownloader Linkgrabber tab you will find the files which you wish to download, the links will be checked for availability. If they are no longer present, they will be marked Offline and you won’t be able to download. You will have to try other...
Confessions of n00bs