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Showing posts with the label Development

Latest Water Survey Questionnaire for Understanding Perception regarding water in IIT Bombay

As part of a survey of the residents of IIT Bombay regarding their perception of water quality and to some extent usage, we followed this questionnaire. Some interviews were done when we formulated the semi structured questions. These below are to basically quantify the data we get and make certain clear observations. What we expect - i. The investment made by different people from different strata in the purification of water in their own homes ii. The usage of water per person in different income groups iii. General awareness of water usage. We can also check if there is a difference in perception between male and female population surveyed. iv. Water literacy of the people can be understood. This can help the Institute to address any gaps necessary to either reduce wastage or improve efficiency etc. You can download the Questionnaire from here.

Create Custom WPF Tab Control Easily

Join me on Google+ Windows Presentation Foundation (or WPF) is a computer-software graphical subsystem for rendering user interfaces in Windows-based applications. WPF, previously known as "Avalon", was initially released as part of .NET Framework 3.0 . Rather than relying on the older GDI subsystem, WPF utilizes DirectX . Creating a Tab Control in WPF is pretty simple. Let's get through the steps one by one. Create a new Project. I am using VB as my language, you may C# if you wish to. :) A WPF Application Project will do fine. I believe in clean coding. I wish to add a couple of controls to this solution. Instead of adding them to the root, I will right click the solution and click "Add Folder", rename as something like say "Cus Tab Controls". Add a WPF custom control, name it whatever you wish. This will be the tabItem header. Here goes the code. I just added a harmless Label, and a Button, which will act as the Close Tab button fo...

Make a gadget

Creating gadgets for Windows is very easy. So easy, in fact a class 8 kid can make them, provided he knows basic stuff like HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Even then there are issues that are faced when you start doing things the first time. So I may just be able to get you started. By the end of it, you will probably say to yourself that this was just sooooo easy. First thing first. You must know HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript, otherwise what I will write here will look like Sumerian to you. So if you wish to take a look and brush up your skills, here are the links to go. I'll wait. Yes I am a particular fan of w3schools, mainly because they have got a code testing playground, invaluable for immediate testing and  experimentation .  Now that you are ready, lets get started. The Bare Layout of a Windows Sidebar Gadget A gadget is simply a webpage with its scripts, style...

Control Hotkeys

Image Credits VNAMedia This weekend I plan to learn coding hotkeys and sending them to Winforms, basically for fun. I was testing the Control + N hotkeys and came up with some really useful text book material. This particular code was made to test things and worked great. I was happy and posted it here to ease the work for you. Public Const MOD_CTRL As Integer = & H2 'Control key     Public Const WM_HOTKEY As Integer = & H312     <DllImport ( "User32.dll" ) > _     Public Shared Function RegisterHotKey ( ByVal hwnd As IntPtr, _                         ByVal id As Integer , ByVal fsModifiers As Integer , _                         ByVal vk As Integer ) As Integer     End Function     <DllImport ( "User32.dll" ) > _     Public Shared Function Unr...

Simple Site Building with Webmatrix

Microsoft WebMatrix is intended to serve the website creation, customisation and publication needs of designers and amateurs, and not as a substitute for Visual Studio or other professional development tools. As a professional developer, I can see why it might appeal to its target audience, but I can't stand to use it myself for more than 15 minutes at a time. Rick Grehan's  preview of WebMatrix  in November covered most of the product features well, so I won't repeat his descriptions and analysis. Since then, a few features and gallery items have been added, which I'll discuss as I go along. I've included a handful of screen images at the end of the article. Rick picked on the weakness of the editor and the lack of a debugger, and until I worked with the product myself, I didn't understand how kind he was in the way he phrased his objections. After spending time with WebMatrix, I know otherwise. By choosing the WordPress framework, for example...

Windows 7 New Features in VB.NET & C#

Introduction This is a quick step by step guide to help all .Net developers to take advantage of the new features of Windows 7. What you will Need   Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework Can be downloaded from Minimum .NET Framework version required is 3.5 SP1. A Windows 7 machine. Getting Ready   You will need to compile the Windows API Code Pack Dlls, after extracting the file open the WindowsAPICodePack.sln located inside the WindowsAPICodePack folder and Build the solution this will produce the following Dlls * Core * Shell (Note : it depends on the Core project ) you will need to add a Reference to them in your applications. Compatibility with Different Versions of Windows   the application will crash and exit if for example a feature exclusive to windows 7 was called and it was running under a windows vista or a windows XP environment. so to p...