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Showing posts from December, 2012

(Not) Welcome to the Great Saudi Arabia

The Glorious Kingdom of Saudi Arabia A sword? Ah! Peaceful country indeed! Saudi Arabia is the world's best country. With the best rulers. And the best population. And oh of course what they say as "Pure Islam". Let us get into this blessed Kingdom of 'Islam'!!! The True Protectors of Islamic Heritage The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the best country to live in if you are good Muslim. You get everything that 'conforms' to the Holy Quran. In fact they are so holy and pious and the royal family so divine that they have almost become the successors of the Prophet. Indeed they have been using the name - Saudi Arabia instead of Arabia. The House of Saud 'owns' Arabia. Not 'Hijaz' as wished by the Prophet. Of course their wishes have a greater priority than what the Prophet did or said. They interpret Islam in the way Allah has told them to. Anybody else having a different interpretation is wrong and deserves to be put to death...