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Showing posts from November, 2012

Why Islamic Terrorism Is Unique In Our Time

Islamic Terrorism is Unique in our Time Islamic terrorism is defined as    a form of  religious terrorism [1]  committed by extremists of  Islam  for the purpose of achieving varying political and/or religious ends. Now many posts have targeted the term saying it to be discriminatory. Well, it is true. It is discriminatory. But you know why? Because they should be discriminated against. It is a security mechanism. I am not going to say that morally it is something right to do. But personally it is unavoidable if you live in a country with a sizable Muslim population.  What sets Islamic Terrorism apart from other forms of Terrorism? I read an amazing post here. This point has been repeated in many places. They are indeed true and thought provoking, but the comparison is not justifiable. Islamic terrorism terrorizes with a specific purpose - to establish terror in the hearts of kafirs  and by subversive means 'guide' them to the 'true path...

The Crow from Pakistan

Crows are black in color. They look pretty alike don't they? Unless of course there is some distinguishing mark in them like, a damaged beak, or a blind eye or something like that. Surprisingly the crow I am talking about looks pretty Indian. The same beak, the same black feathers, similar prejudices, same habits, same way of living. He had just flown across Lahore over the fence by South of Wagah to the wheatfields to the south west of Amritsar. The tresspassing crow was hungry and had started feeding on Indian wheat. I wonder where he will defecate. Was Pakistani crow shit considered bombing when the food is Indian? I didn't know. I pressed my binoculars close to my eyes and wait but my hands are aching. So I took out my tripod, keep the tea plate on top of it and rested my hands on it. Then I again held my binoculars and focused the crow. The crow was dutifully eating the wheat grains as if that was the only thing he was born for this purpose only. This continued for aroun...