Some things sometimes escape me. This post I am writing without even thinking properly. I find it quite strange, interesting and scary to understand what is going on. I really like this girl. She is strong, has a personality, our frequencies match. I find her really nice and I admit that if this goes on I will be in love in no time!The next one and a half months will have all the answers for me. This is something I may begin to dread - this approaching deadlines and all. God knows what He has in store for me, but hopefully things turn out well - for me as well for her. I am not ashamed to say that I would like to be with her. <3 The present training is making me go nuts. Truly. Today was really disgusting. The day started pretty well, whatever was being taught - I could grasp it real well, but unfortunately after the afternoon, things changed and the assignments completely pissed me off. And oh yes, to catch the bus, she and I had to run and it was fun!
Confessions of n00bs