I was sitting at home, when suddenly I got a request to write a splash form. So I wrote this. It is fairly simple to implement. Just add a Windows Form to a new Visual Basic Project. Add a Timer Control to the Form, named ‘theTimer’ Now add two labels, one for a statement, other to show the countdown. I have named them lbl1 and tmrLabel. Go to its code of the Form and copy and paste this down. I have assumed the form name to be ‘MainFrm’. Run it and you are good to go. All with a fade in and fade out animation. Simple yet efficient. And to the friend who requested, it was a pleasure. :) '''<summary> ''' A simple Splash Screen with basic fade in and fade out animation ''' A Program by Sarthak Ganguly ''' </summary> ''' Released under GPLv3 License Public Class MainFrm 'Declaring an Enum with form status Enum formStatus formOpening formShow...
Confessions of n00bs